Chip in $10
The 2020 general election is under three months away, and radical socialists in the Iowa legislature believe that this is their chance to seize power in Des Moines, particularly in the Iowa House of Representatives.
The truth is that these hate-American leftists nearly took this chamber in 2018 when they flipped five suburban seats, leaving a slim 53-47 pro-gun majority in the Iowa House. That’s why they are going ‘all-in’ in 2020.
But they aren’t alone.
As you’ve probably heard, Michael Bloomberg believes that there are thirteen states where his billions will be enough to flip a legislative chamber, allowing his bought-and-paid-for allies to begin waging war on our gun rights.
He’s earmarked a stunning $60,000,000 to this effort. And along with nearby Minnesota and Wisconsin, Iowa is at the top of Bloomberg’s list of states!
All of this has gun-grabbers here in Iowa licking their chops — convinced that next year will be their time to push for a mountain of gun control bills, just like they did in Virginia this year.
They believe that after the Covid-19 lockdowns, the implosion of our state and federal economy, and the violent Antifa-led riots and looting that have caused so much unrest across America this summer — gun owners like you and me will just be too disheartened to fight back in Des Moines next year.
I’m counting on you to help me prove them wrong, wrong, wrong.
As you’ll see, I’ve prepared a special ‘Second Amendment Turnout Pledge,’ letting me know that you’re 100% committed to our fight for our great Second Amendment and that you will only be supporting pro-gun candidates this fall!
If you do so by August 29, your name will automatically be entered to win an AR-15 from Iowa Gun Owners!
The AR-15 has become the symbol of defiance amongst proud gun owners in America who know that there is no better semi-automatic firearm available on earth when it comes to stopping criminals and tyrants.
That’s why there are almost 20 million AR-15’s in circulation in America!
And while Iowa Gun Owners has done some gun giveaways in the past, this one is special. We are doing this now because our team needs to gauge Second Amendment supporters’ grassroots energy FAST.
You see, the Antifa radicals who are hoping to take control of the Iowa legislature aren’t going to settle for ‘tweaking the edges’ of our gun rights. They are looking to destroy our right to keep and bear arms with the nastiest gun control bills you can imagine, including:
>>> An ‘assault weapons ban’ that would put you in prison for the ‘crime’ of owning an AR-15 or any 30-round magazine here in Iowa!
As I said above, the AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America as it’s lightweight, easy to maneuver, holds plenty of ammo, and can handle a wide array of optics making it perfect for seasoned and novice shooters alike.
>>> A complete statewide registry of every gun owner in Iowa, through ‘Universal Background Checks!’
This legislation would make felons out of Iowans who give family heirloom firearms to their adult children or grandchildren, while giving the government what they have always wanted, a massive list of gun owners.
>>> Passage of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation, enabling liberal judges to order your firearms seized before you’ve been convicted of a crime!
Under these ‘Red Flag’ laws your bitter ex-spouse, a jealous coworker, or an angry neighbor could make up a bogus claim against you (in a secret ex-parte court hearing) and you would have no chance to defend yourself.
>>> A repeal of Iowa’s Stand-Your-Ground and ‘Shall Issue’ laws which would force Iowans to beg for the right to carry a firearm for self-defense as well as mandate that you retreat before defending yourself in public!
The leftists in Des Moines are still furious that we passed these bills into law, and they have been trying to repeal them for years.
If you plan to fight back in November, sign your ‘Second Amendment Turnout Pledge’ today!
Simply put: if they get their way, these crazy socialists will destroy our beautiful Second Amendment and turn Iowa into the next Virginia! I’m sure you agree that we cannot allow this madness to happen.
We simply must FIGHT BACK now — before it’s too late.
If you agree, I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action:
*** First, please sign your ‘Second Amendment Turnout Pledge.’ If you do, your name will automatically be entered to win an AR-15 — the gun that ‘triggers’ leftists everywhere;
*** Second, please agree to your most generous contribution. My hope is that you’ll agree to $500, $250, $100, $50, or at least $25. Please give whatever you can afford, but note that any donation of $35 or more means that we will send you a FREE IGO T-SHIRT!
Your generosity will help us get prepared to expose radical gun-grabbers like Congresswomen Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer during the upcoming 2020 election cycle.
I hope you know that you’re a critical part of IGO’s winning team, the team that has held the line for the Second Amendment here in Iowa for over a decade, passing pro-gun legislation like Stand-Your-Ground law and much more!
But the leftists in Des Moines who side with rioters, looters, and thugs want to crush our Second Amendment, our freedom, and our way of life, and they won’t stop.
So please sign your turnout pledge and please agree to a generous donation of $500, $250, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford — TODAY!
For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. Radical leftists, aided by Michael Bloomberg, are trying to flip the Iowa legislature so they can destroy our gun rights.

If you do, your name will be entered to win an AR-15 from Iowa Gun Owners — the symbol of freedom in America and the same gun that ‘triggers’ leftists across the country!