Since 2013, Iowa Gun Owners has used our massive Facebook platform as a bullhorn for freedom.
This platform has enabled us to mobilize hundreds of thousands of gun owners across the state to take action in defense of our Second Amendment freedoms while the legislature is in session.
Of course, we’ve also used it to expose anti-gun Republicans and Democrats at election time, providing vital information to gun owners, information that gun-grabbers would much rather remain secret!
But this is getting much harder to do these days.
As gun owners know all too well, Facebook has taken sides in the fight over the Second Amendment and is doing everything it can to muzzle our ability to reach Iowans on this platform!
There are now hundreds of memes that we can’t run, because they are considered ‘hateful’ or ‘likely to incite violence.’
Basic articles about people using firearms in self-defense cases have to be carefully scrutinized by IGO staff before we post them, because Facebook ‘fact checkers’ will try to flag them.
And Facebook is making it much harder for us to expose gun-grabbers at election time, rejecting our ads repeatedly for no reason other than the fact that some ‘woke’ leftist working from his mother’s basement in California doesn’t like guns.
I’m sick of tiptoeing around on a platform that our donors paid to grow.
I’m sick of watching BLM and Antifa thugs use Facebook to advance their agenda of actual violence against cops and shopkeepers — while we can’t even advertise an IGO T-Shirt on our page because it promotes violence.
And I’m sick of watching radical gun-control groups use Facebook to advance their message without any hassles, while we have to deal with Facebook staff weekly to keep our ads operational.
We have just launched our page on Parler days ago, and already thousands of Iowans who are sick of tired of Facebook’s leftist agenda have followed us onto this new platform!
I get it. Parler is new. It’s not as easy to use just yet. The app runs slowly at times. And it takes some getting used to.
But MILLIONS of Americans have joined Parler in the last few days alone, and our Parler account managers have told us that the company is making massive upgrades to the app every few days, so I’m confident it will become more user friendly very fast!
As the results of the November 3rd election drag on, it’s clear that every single major media outlet along with every single Big Tech company in America have declared war on President Trump and the 72,000,000 Americans who voted for him.
In 2021 and beyond, we’re committed to doing everything we can to use media platforms that are not controlled by radical leftists, as we continue to fight like hell for the Second Amendment!
So while we’ll continue to operate our Facebook page for the time being as that’s where we can do live videos, please make sure you are also following us on Parler, too.
(And yes, in the near future, we’ll have an update on our plans to utilize MeWe for those that prefer that platform.)
Don’t forget that as our way of saying “thank you,” all Lifetime, Patriot, and Freedom level memberships come with a FREE T-SHIRT that we’ll send you right away.
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. Facebook is doing everything it can to block, restrict and outright muzzle our ability to communicate with Iowans on our Facebook page, and like you, we’re sick of it.
And with the 2021 session coming at us fast, I hope that you will renew your membership in Iowa Gun Owners immediately!
Don’t forget that all Lifetime, Patriot and Freedom level memberships come with a T-Shirt and other member gear absolutely free!