Video Update: Contact the Judiciary Committee NOW!

Dear Friend —

Time is running out on the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) (H.F. 147) here in Des Moines, and we need your help!

SAPA has broad support as almost 20 members of the House have con-sponsored it.

More, SAPA has passed the sub-committee! But it is currently being bottled up in the House Judiciary Committee where this 14-7 Republican controlled body won’t advance it!

For the latest on the fight for SAPA and the info you need to help us push it forward in Des Moines, watch this video alert!

As you just heard, SAPA is the only way to ensure that Iowa cops are not ordered to enforce Joe Biden’s war against gun owners here in Iowa!

But for that to happen, the Judiciary Committee needs to do their job and advance this legislation. Email them TODAY!


SAPA is built on the 10th Amendment and has SCOTUS backing.

SAPA is how we keep red states like Iowa free!

SAPA protects Iowa cops.

Tell the Judiciary Committee to move the bill NOW!

For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners