Video Update: Biden’s H.R. 2870 is a Middle Finger to IA Veterans!

Dear Friend —

All gun control laws are an attack on freedom, but some bills just seem to attack those freedoms (and law-abiding gun owners like you and me) a little more than others.

That’s the case with H.R. 2870.

This latest attack out of the Biden White House deliberately attacks young adults, denying them to right to own an AR-15.

In other words, Joe Biden wants young Iowans to join the military and fight for him when they turn 18. But when that same vet leaves the military two years later and wants an AR-15 in his apartment in Sioux City, Biden wants to put him in prison.

For the details on this bill, who is cosponsoring it, where it is in the process and more, watch our video update here.

As you know, this is one of over a dozen bills that Biden is pushing right now in Congress that are designed to crush our right to keep and bear arms.

Iowa Gun Owners is doing everything we can to make sure gun owners are aware of these threats, while also fighting in Des Moines.

But we need your support.

Our lobby program, our digital ads, our email program, and our direct mail updates…they all cost money. Please help us.


Our freedoms are hanging in the balance.

If gun owners continue to stand up and hold the line, we may be able to stop Biden’s threat and take back the Senate in November. But in the meantime, we must hold that line!

Thank you for standing with us!

(Watch our most recent political update videos below.)

For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners

P.S. Watch our video on Senator Joni Ernst here!

Watch our video on the Judiciary Committee blocking SAPA!