Urgent: Calls for Red Flags Growing in Des Moines!

The caucuses are behind us.

And, hopefully, the days of our high temps peaking at -5 degrees (with windchills at -50) are over for the rest of the winter, too. But don’t hold your breath.

While I understand that gun owners were almost 100% focused on the caucuses, now it’s urgent that we immediately refocus.

You see, after a deranged criminal murdered a 17-year-old student and the principal at the Perry High School two weeks ago, support for ‘Red Flag’ laws has exploded in Des Moines!

Over the last few weeks, there have been massive rallies in support of ‘Red Flags’ laws.

(Hundreds of people have been rallying in the Capitol this year, demanding ‘Red Flag’ laws.)

Schools, always willing to attack our gun rights, have facilitated ‘walk-outs’ as students demand gun ‘Red Flags.’

And, of course, media outlets across the state have jumped on the bandwagon, too.

But that’s not all.

As you may remember, last summer, the State of Iowa took a check from Biden’s DOJ for $2,478,792 from a fund designed to incentivize state legislatures into passing ‘Red Flag’ laws, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

This fund at the DOJ was filled with $750,000,000 taxpayer dollars, meaning that if Iowa passes ‘Red Flag’ laws, we could receive TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars’ worth of ‘free money.’

That’s why this is especially dangerous.

When you add up the Perry shooting plus the allure of tens of millions of dollars, we’re on dangerous ground right now.

That’s why it’s so important that every Iowan sign their petition to their state legislators demanding they oppose and vote “NO” on ‘Red Flags!’


As we’ve told you before, a growing number of politicians in Des Moines believe that there are good ‘Red Flag’ laws and bad ‘Red Flag’ laws. The difference comes down to notice.

If you’ve been notified of a ‘Red Flag’ hearing against you and can attend it, that’s considered a good ‘Red Flag’ law, or so they say.

If you are not given notice and hear about the hearing after the fact, that’s considered a bad ‘Red Flag’ law.

So, while our legislature would likely not pass the ‘bad’ version, the ‘good’ version is very much a possibility right now in the wake of the Perry shooting and with Biden’s blank check. 

Here at Iowa Gun Owners, we passionately reject the idea that there can be a ‘good’ form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’

That’s because ‘Red Flag’ laws allow your guns to be seized before you’ve been arrested, charged, or convicted of anything — shredding the idea that we’re innocent until proven guilty.

Losing this concept has massive implications.

The presumption of innocence is what separates America from every other nation where a dictator can simply point at someone, have them thrown in prison, and confiscate their property.

That’s why we must stop ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures!’

So please sign the petition we prepared for you, ensuring your lawmakers know exactly where you stand!


And don’t think for a moment that gun owners need to surrender any of our freedoms in response to what happened in Perry. If anyone should apologize, it’s the Radical Left, for what they’ve done to all of our children.

It’s the Radical Left that removed God from schools and told our kids that there is no such thing as right and wrong.

It’s the Radical Left that taught our kids to despise their country, their flag, their founding fathers, and their heritage.

It’s the Radical Left that told our kids that they need to apologize for their ‘racial privilege.’

It’s the Radical Left that has crammed a steady diet of mind-altering psychotropic drugs down our kids’ throats.

And it’s the Radical Left that taught our kids to question their own genders, instead of questioning liberal ideology.

This concoction of insanity has put unbelievable pressure on our kids. Then, when one of them follows their evil delusions and commits an act of murder, the Left feigns innocence and demands that you and I surrender our freedoms!

Make no mistake: this is the Left’s playbook.

If we give in and allow for any form of ‘Red Flag’ laws here in Iowa, it will only lead to more and more gun control.

That’s why I hope you’ll sign your petition right away.


And, when you’re done, I hope you’ll donate to help us mobilize an army of grassroots opposition to this bill using:

  1. Targeted digital ads; which allow us to reach hundreds of thousands of gun owners across the state, giving them the facts about these bills. These ads are very cost-efficient, too, as they are easily re-shared by gun owners.
  2. Our powerful texting program; text-based alerts are one of the most effective tools at our disposal because they appear right on gun owners’ phones and have an almost 100% viewing rate. And they are very cost-effective, too.
  3. The biggest direct mail and email program possiblenothing penetrates Big Tech’s censorship more thoroughly these days than direct mail and email communication.
  4. Radio and TV ads if floor votes are scheduled; nothing reaches mass quantities of gun owners faster than a radio and TV blitz. Yes, they are expensive, but our ads will hit hard and are worth it, especially in tight districts.

Running this program isn’t going to be cheap. And, of course, no one saw the Perry shooting and the demand for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ spiking days before the session began.

So, after you sign your petition, please consider making the most generous donation that you can afford.

If you can afford $100 or even $250, now is the time.

But in these challenging times, I know that for many Iowans a gift of $75, $50, $25 or even just $17.76 represents a real sacrifice — a sacrifice that has to be offset in your budget.

The amount of your gift is always up to you.

But there is a weakness in the GOP caucus right now, and if we don’t push back, they may agree to passage of some form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures!’

(The basement corridors in the Capitol have been crawling with gun control advocates!)

Help us hold the line!

Sign your petition and make a generous donation right away.

Law-abiding gun owners didn’t attack the school in Perry.

And we’re darn sure not going to let the Left use this situation to pass gun control here in Iowa!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners

P.S. The Left is demanding passage of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ in the wake of the Perry shooting. Worse, some Republicans believe there are ‘good’ forms of Red Flags laws.

We need to push back, hard!


Please sign your petition against ‘Red Flag’ laws and if possible, consider a donation of $100, $75, $50, $25, or even just $17.76 to help us mobilize gun owners against this bill