Things are happening very quickly in the Statehouse.
That’s why I hope you’ll read this and take immediate action as we have just two more days for our cosponsor push on Constitutional Carry!
First of all, the following Senators have added their name as cosponsors to this bill today when I was in the Capitol.
They are:
Senator Tim Kraayenbrink
Senator Michael Breitbach
Senator Jim Carlin
But then keep reading…
As of noon today the following Senators are supporting this legislation, being sponsored by Senator Rick Bertrand:
Senator Brad Zaun, Senator Jake Chapman, Senator Jason Schultz, Senator Randy Feenstra, Senator Jerry Behn, Senator Mark Segebart, Senator Craig Johnson, Senator Thomas Greene, Senator Mark Chelgren, Senator Dennis Guth, Senator Roby Smith, Senator Tim Kraayenbrink, Senator Michael Breitbach and Senator Jim Carlin.
Thank you for all of your calls, emails, and Facebook messages into the legislature. It is clearly making a difference!
In fact, one State Senator told me he received almost 500 emails in support of this legislation over the weekend!
But we can’t let up now.
There are additional Senators who need to hear from you right away.
Many were elected in 2016 because of the work of gun owners, while some are simply on the fence and need a nudge from gun owners who vote in local elections.
In particular, I hope you’ll contact:
Senator Jeff Edler, 641-751-5902
Senator Waylon Brown, 641-590-0610
Senator Dan Dawson, 712-256-1199
Senator Charles Schneider, 515-554-3213
Senator Dan Zumbach, 563-920-5094
Senator Ken Rozenboom, 641-295-6551
Senator Tom Shipley, 712-785-3583
Again, we have made this extremely easy for you.
To email all of them at one time, just click right here!
Of course, you can also call them using the phone numbers provided above. Some of these Senators use Facebook and you can send them a message that way, too, by clicking on their names above.
Better yet, feel free to call them, email them, AND message them on Facebook if you can — it’s that important!
Most politicians only care about one thing: their reelection.
So right now, as this bill is picking up steam and with elections later this year, they are trying to keep gun owners happy.
Make sure they know that the way for them to make you happy right now is to add their name onto this bill, just like 15 of their colleagues have done.
Please take action on this right away, and then share this alert with your friends and family.
You see, I can talk to your Senator a dozen times on your behalf, but nothing beats them hearing from you directly!
The good news is that your calls and emails are clearly having a major impact, as our growing number of cosponsors makes obvious.
So please be sure to send an email to those Senators who have not cosponsored TODAY!
And, if you can, please chip in $10 to help Iowa Gun Owners get as many gun owners involved in this fight as possible!
For Freedom,

P.S. I know that we’ve been emailing you a lot lately, but the Constitutional Carry fight is heating up!
This morning, Senators’ Kraayenbrink, Carlin, and Breitbach all cosponsored this bill! You can thank them here.
More importantly, there are a number of other Senators who need to hear from you right now, as the window for cosponsors closes Thursday!
So even if you’ve already emailed or called these Senators, it’s urgent that you do so again, right now!
You can email this group with one click of your mouse, by clicking here!
And if you want to call them or message them on Facebook, you can do so using the information we provided above.
Whatever you do, please send this PRE-WRITTEN email immediately!