For years, former Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal said, “No!”
For years, former Judiciary Chairman Steve Sodders said, “No!”
For years, the liberal media here in Iowa smugly said, “No!”
All of the ‘cool kids’ in Des Moines have been saying “No” to Constitutional Carry for a long time -– but now it is our turn!
The members of Iowa Gun Owners sent a deafening message last year to gun-grabbers as they defeated 6 of 6 anti-gun incumbents in the Iowa Senate: If you mess with our gun rights, you’d better look for another job!
In the wake of the November 2016 elections, the pathway for Stand-Your-Ground law was cleared and Iowa Gun Owners hammered that bill into law earlier this year.
Next up is none other than Constitutional Carry, the bill that every single anti-gun legislator in Des Moines is committed to opposing as hard as they can.
That’s why I’m counting on your help to ensure we keep up our momentum!
So please sign and submit the Constitutional Carry petitions to your State Representative and Senator that I’ll link you to below! More on that in a minute.
As you’ll see, these petitions simply urge your State Representative and Senator to cosponsor the Iowa Constitutional Carry Bill.
With your help, my goal is to spend this summer and fall gathering up to 100,000 petitions in support of Constitutional Carry, to deliver to our General Assembly as soon as they go back into session!
Believe me: we’re going to need every last one.
Constitutional Carry law would simply restore the right of every law-abiding Iowa citizen to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families — WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole!
That means no more expensive application fees, endless paperwork, or adding your name to a government database — just to exercise your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
In short, if you’re legally able to own a firearm, you’re legally able to carry it. Period.
This is the way it’s been done in Vermont, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona and Wyoming for some time.
And just in the past two years, Constitutional Carry has passed in Kansas, Maine, Idaho, Mississippi, neighboring Missouri, North Dakota, New Hampshire and West Virginia.
In Maine, it passed with a Democratic State Senate. In Missouri and West Virginia, it passed with a Democratic Governor.
So why can’t it happen here, with GOP control of Des Moines?
The answer is, it CAN — with your support today.
So please, take a moment to sign your petition in support of this critical legislation right away!
You see, despite the hand-wringing of nanny-staters like BILLIONAIRE anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg, none of the states with Constitutional Carry are plagued with vigilante justice or Old West style shootouts.
That should be no surprise. Just the threat of running into someone who is armed is enough to convince many career criminals to think twice.
That’s a big reason why statistic after statistic proves that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens means less crime.
In fact, according to a recent FBI “Crime in the United States” report, gun sales have hit record highs in recent years, while violent crime has dropped dramatically!
And a study commissioned by the Obama White House — which was supposed to help generate momentum for gun control — found that firearms are used in defensive cases up to three million times per year!
That study also found that those who have a firearm are less likely to be injured in a criminal attack than those who depend on a thug’s good will.
Yet, there are plenty of politicians in BOTH parties who talk a good game on the campaign trail . . .
But as soon as the legislature goes back into session, they work to stop pro-gun bills from even coming up for a vote.
Sometimes, they even work with gun-grabbers to pass new anti-gun schemes, as we’ve seen over the last couple of years as the House Leadership tried to institute a database of all permit holders in the state!
The good news is that with the majorities in Des Moines today, your pressure could be the final ingredient we need to make Constitutional Carry a reality.
Just like we proved with passage of Stand-Your-Ground –- your pressure can have an enormous impact.
With a tidal wave of grassroots support from good folks like you, I’m confident we can force votes in BOTH houses of the General Assembly on Constitutional Carry.
They haven’t forgotten about the incumbents that were thrown out of office by gun owners last fall!
And they know that backing pro-gun legislation is just smart politics, especially here in the Midwest.
But we have to keep the pressure up!
Today, with the next session of the Iowa General Assembly only a few months away, I’m really counting on your help.
My goal is to generate at least 100,000 petitions from Second Amendment supporters insisting that politicians in Des Moines take action on Constitutional Carry.
That means we’ll have to pull out all the stops with:
>>> A massive statewide mail and email program designed to generate pressure on politicians;
>>> A statewide media tour where Iowa Gun Owners will work talk radio and local TV explaining why Constitutional Carry is so important;
>>> A state-of-the-art Internet and social media campaign exposing any politician who dares to stand in our way;
>>> Hard-hitting TV, radio and newspaper ads calling out anti-gun politicians who oppose Constitutional Carry.
Each and every one of these contacts will send a loud-and-clear message to your elected officials: “Support Constitutional Carry or find another job!”
So please, take a moment to sign your petition right away!
Trust me. This will get the politicians in Des Moines to listen. But I’m counting on your support to make it happen.
So in addition to signing your petitions, won’t you please agree to your most generous contribution of $100 to help Iowa Gun Owners TODAY?
We spent a tremendous amount of the resources that we had last fall and last session in our successful fight to expose anti-gun incumbents and pass Stand-Your-Ground law.
Now we have to rebuild our war-chest.
Every dollar you can give will go towards helping Iowa Gun Owners build support for Constitutional Carry — so I hope you’ll be generous.
Of course, if $100 is just too much, please agree to $50 or at least $25.
All the gun-grabbers’ regulations and bureaucratic red tape on carrying a concealed firearm do absolutely NOTHING to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
All they do is create more innocent victims by stopping law-abiding citizens from legally carrying firearms to protect themselves and their families.
It’s up to you and me to wipe these infringements on our Second Amendment rights off the books here in Iowa.
If you agree, please sign your petition and submit them to Iowa Gun Owners IMMEDIATELY along with your most generous contribution of $100, $50 or at least $25 TODAY!
For Freedom,

P.S. If passed, the Iowa Constitutional Carry Bill would restore the right of every law-abiding citizen to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families — WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole!
I believe we can make Constitutional Carry a reality in Iowa, just like we did with Stand-Your-Ground law. But it won’t happen without you.
Please sign your petition today, in support of this critical legislation!