Like most of you, I came home from work Tuesday evening and started skimming over the mail that my kids had placed on our kitchen table earlier in the day.Thankfully, my wife had already grabbed the bills so I didn’t have to deal with that –- but one letter caught my...
Mike Gronstal. Almost every gun owner across the state of Iowa recognizes the name of Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal as being synonymous with blockading almost every pro-gun bill that has been introduced in the Iowa State Senate for almost a decade....
Over the last couple of weeks, thanks to countless numbers of phone calls, emails, and Facebook messages to your legislators, the grassroots support of Stand-Your-Ground has exploded all across the state! Legislators are hearing from voters like you, all throughout...
The gun-grabbers are FURIOUS — and you’re the reason why! You see, the petitions, phone calls and emails from pro-Second Amendment patriots like you from all over Iowa are working. Just days after State Senator Rick Bertrand (R-Sioux City) introduced the Iowa...