Where Should We Fight in 2017?

Where Should We Fight in 2017?

If you had told me a couple of weeks ago that the Iowa General Assembly would be just days into the 2017 session, and I’d be rushing to write you this emergency letter, I never would have believed it.By any measure, the victories Second Amendment supporters won here...
Gun Show Next Weekend – Come on Out!

Gun Show Next Weekend – Come on Out!

With the session underway here in Des Moines, the fight to advance Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry legislation is in full swing. And while we work in the Capitol to advance this legislation, it’s important that we continue to mobilize as many gun owners as...
The 2017 Legislative Session is Underway!

The 2017 Legislative Session is Underway!

Moments ago, the gavel fell on the start of the 2017 legislative session. The time to fight for passage of Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law begins now! Gun owners were one of the loudest, if not the loudest, issue groups to pound the pavement in support...
A New Tool in the Fight for the Second Amendment!

A New Tool in the Fight for the Second Amendment!

As we prepare for the 2017 legislative session, I wanted to make sure you had a chance to visit our brand new website located at www.IowaGunOwners.org! This totally redesigned website will be an important tool as we organize and mobilize gun owners here in Iowa next...