
Aren’t you sick and tired of hearing politicians, here in Iowa and across the country, point the finger at you and me every time some criminal with a gun commits a crime? It’s a familiar mantra now in America. Before the blood dries, they rush to the nearest camera...

Iowa Gun Owners is Seeking County Coordinators in your County!

“That’s all I know for now, I’ll let you take it from there,” said an IGO member who called our office last year. That’s how the ball got rolling in North Liberty, last fall, as Iowa Gun Owners went on to stop another town- based gun ban...

Iowa: The City of Hubbard Moves on Your Gun Rights!

Folks, it’s happening again! Please take time and read this article in full, and take action as soon as possible! If you’ve been with Iowa Gun Owners for some time now, you know that we fight hard to expose gun control in the back chambers of the committee...

Victory in North Liberty!

We did it again! Last night, in the heart of the traditionally liberal bastion of Johnson Co., North Liberty joined the ranks of other towns like Nevada, George, North Burlington, Dubuque, Kalona and others who walked into a grassroots buzz-saw when they tried to...