It’s been an extremely busy week in the fight for the Second Amendment in the State Capitol! As of right now, the following Senators have added their name to Senator Bertrand’s Constitutional Carry bill: Senator Brad Zaun Senator Jake Chapman Senator Jason Schultz...
On November 8, 2016, the people of this country set off the equivalent of a political nuclear bomb in America.As the results poured in, sneering elitists in the press saw their predictions of a Hillary Clinton presidency proved wrong. And gun-grabbers’ heads all over...
As we prepare for the 2017 legislative session, I wanted to make sure you had a chance to visit our brand new website located at! This totally redesigned website will be an important tool as we organize and mobilize gun owners here in Iowa next...
It all comes down to control of the Iowa Senate. Yesterday, your right to bear arms suffered a blow because the radical anti-gunners who control the Senate, Majority leader Mike Gronstal and President Pro-Tem Steve Sodders, are terrified of allowing a vote on...
This is time sensitive! There are likely votes coming today so please take a moment to read this and take immediate action! As you know, for months now the Iowa Senate has been blocking Stand-Your-Ground (SF137) and Constitutional Carry (SF400) legislation from moving...