Moments ago, Stand-Your-Ground law passed through the Iowa Senate by a vote of 33-17, thanks to an avalanche of calls and emails from you!
What’s more, despite the efforts of many legislators, it passed with NO weakening amendments.
That means that not only did we get Stand-Your-Ground legislation, but also:
>>> Removal of the ridiculous law that makes it a crime for parents and grandparents to decide when to teach their children to shoot a pistol.
>>> Emergency powers legislation that would remove the Governor’s ability to ‘suspend’ your gun rights during a natural disaster.
>>> Pre-Emption reform language that would prohibit cities and counties from enacting their own gun ban.
>>> Permit confidentiality language that would protect a gun owners right to privacy.
>>> Language that removes the ban on carrying a handgun in the Iowa Capitol for anyone who has a permit.
>>> Streamlining the permit and renewal process.
>>> Provisions to allow for Short Barreled Rifles (SBR’s) in accordance with federal law.
And let me tell you, the anti-gunners were furious!
But at the end of the day, there’s nothing that anti-gunners can do right now to defeat the bill after you crushed their caucus last fall in the elections!
While no substantive amendments were added to the bill, there was a ‘tech amendment’ added to the bill that adjusted some of the costs of permits, and clarified some confusing language in another section of the bill.
This means that the bill has to go back to the House for a final vote — something that will likely happen fast.
So it’s time for another round of calls and emails into the House, urging your legislator to vote ‘YES’ on Stand-Your-Ground law by supporting HF517.
So please contact your representative right away, by:
1. Calling them via the switchboard at 515-281-2281 or on their direct line if you have it.
2. Emailing them; you can find their email address here.
3. Sending them a message on Facebook. Almost all of them use it, and this way you can connect with them directly!
We’re nearing the home stretch of this fight, but we can’t quit now.
The end of session countdown has begun and we can’t afford many delays.
Contact them now!

This 6 year project is almost complete, but due to a ‘tech amendment’ the bill is headed back to the House for a final vote before it goes to the Governor.
So please contact your representative immediately, using the information above, and urge him to support Stand-Your-Ground law (HF517) for Iowa!
And help us keep getting the word out, with a donation of any amount right away!