The 2018 session of the Iowa General Assembly is rapidly approaching and it promises to be a crucial one for our Second Amendment rights.
After the recent murder spree in Las Vegas, BILLIONAIRES Michael Bloomberg and George Soros are convinced the political winds will be blowing their way in 2018.
So their goal is to shred all the momentum you and I created during the last session of the legislature, KILL Constitutional Carry, and then seize back control of Iowa’s Governor’s mansion and attempt a hostile takeover of BOTH houses of our General Assembly in the 2018 elections!
With the gun-grabbers’ deep pockets and anti-gun media elites here in Iowa and around the country going all-out to drive up anti-gun hysteria — I’m more concerned than ever.
But I also know you and I have stood up to the gun-grabbers and DEFEATED them time and again. So I’m counting on your action once again today.
As you’ll see below, I’ve made it easy for you to renew your membership in Iowa Gun Owners, something that I hope you’ll do right away. More on that below.
I’ll be blunt. The coming year promises to be an absolutely CRUCIAL year for our gun rights — especially after the events of Las Vegas. And I need all hands on deck.
The good news is, we haven’t seen the pro-Second Amendment majorities we have today in Des Moines since the 1990’s.
But it’s up to gun owners like you and me to take full advantage of the situation that we’ve earned for ourselves; after all, opportunities like this won’t last forever.
As you and I know, we had to work very hard just to get to the point we’re at today. Your support during the critical 2016 election year played a major role.
All over Iowa, powerful gun-grabbers went down in flames at the ballot box — including State Senate President Mike Gronstal (D- Pottawattamie County) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Steve Sodders (D-Tama County.)
Virtually everyone knew why.
It was because these two Senators (and their colleagues) spent every minute of the past few years stonewalling Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry legislation — and Second Amendment supporters wanted REVENGE!
Thanks to your support, IGO members and supporters fought hard to ensure to capitalize on the November elections with passage of Stand-Your-Ground law, the cornerstone of the 2017 omnibus gun bill!
But even after the recent shooting in Las Vegas, we can’t stop here.
While we must remain vigilant against any and all gun control attacks, we still have another big-ticket OFFENSEIVE item on our to-do list for 2018.
And with Constitutional Carry on the march all over the country, it’s time to turn up the heat on the General Assembly once again!
If passed, the Iowa Constitutional Carry Bill would restore the right of every law-abiding Iowa citizen to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families — WITHOUT having to beg government permission or add your name to a government database!
That means no more expensive application fees, endless paperwork, or carrying around a plastic-coated permission slip — just to exercise your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
In short, if you’re legally able to own a firearm, you’re legally able to carry it. Period.
This is the way it’s been done in Vermont, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona and Wyoming for some time.
And just in the past two years, Constitutional Carry has passed in Kansas, Maine, Idaho, Mississippi, neighboring Missouri, North Dakota, New Hampshire and West Virginia!
There’s no reason why it can’t happen here.
Just like we proved with passage of Stand-Your-Ground law, your pressure can have an enormous impact.
With a tidal wave of grassroots support from good folks like you, I’m confident we can force votes in BOTH houses of the General Assembly on Constitutional Carry.
And even if we don’t get the votes to pass it this year, it will still be a MAJOR step forward for our gun rights.
Politicians who choose to vote against us — the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” in Des Moines — will find there’s a major political price to be paid.
That’s why just forcing a vote puts you and me in a win/win situation.
With the 2018 election year rapidly approaching, our legislative programs and our Primary and General Election Candidate Survey Programs could not be more critical.
If the “experts” predictions about 2018 are right, the political winds will be blowing against us.
Needless to say, they’ve been wrong before (just consider 2016!), but I’m not taking anything for granted — not with BOTH houses of our General Assembly and our Governor’s Mansion up for grabs.
That’s why I’m prepared to conduct the biggest and most aggressive election year program in IGO’s history in 2018 if I can raise the resources.
That means mail, email, Social Media, and even hard-hitting radio and online ads to ensure Iowa’s Second Amendment supporters know the TRUTH about where their candidates stand on critical gun rights issues.
Once exposed, opponents of Constitutional Carry in BOTH parties are going to run into a buzz saw at the ballot box — just like in 2016!
As you renew your membership for 2018, I hope you’ll agree to stretch and give more than you’ve done in the past.
In a world where politicians and organizations will often promise the world and deliver nothing, I couldn’t be more proud of the real results Iowa Gun Owners’ members and supporters have been able to accomplish.
But none of it would be possible without your consistent support. The truth is, you’re a critical part of Iowa Gun Owners’ winning team.
Unlike the Gun Control Lobby’s pet organizations, Iowa Gun Owners isn’t run by some gazillionaire playboy or out-of-state, out-of-touch national organization.
It was founded by Iowa Second Amendment supporters just like you. It’s run by Iowa Second Amendment supporters just like you. And it’s funded by Iowa Second Amendment supporters just like you.
I know that’s probably a stretch, but if you can, I’ll be sure to rush you an IGO T-Shirt and member decal right away!
But you’ve seen the impact your support can make with some BIG wins in 2016 and 2017 — including passage of Stand- Your-Ground law!
Now, I’m counting on you to help keep this winning streak going in 2018 — even with the gun-grabbers more emboldened than ever after Las Vegas.
As always, the amount you choose is up to you. But I hope you will agree to $100 if possible, or at least $50 or $35 if you can.
Your support will make all the difference in the critical year ahead.

P.S. 2018 is going to be a critical year with battles over Constitutional Carry and gun-grabbers going all-out to seize control of our Governor’s Mansion and BOTH houses of our General Assembly.
If you can, I’ll be sure to rush you an Iowa Gun Owners T-Shirt and member decal right away!