We’ve been preparing gun owners for this fight for some time, and now it’s here.
‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation has been filed in the Iowa House of Representatives, and folks, this is one of the worst versions of this legislation that we’ve ever seen.
And that’s why I hope that you’ll take immediate action to help us shut down House File 2367, before it gets too high off the ground.
You see, ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ are the ultimate dream of every gun grabber in Des Moines — the power to confiscate a gun owner’s firearms — without having to worry about convicting him of a crime!
Because that’s exactly what this bill would do: take guns away from people who have never been charged or convicted of anything in court!
For this reason, this legislation is much worse than a ban on the AR-15, it’s worse than a ban on a magazine or any other accessory, and it’s worse than universal background checks.
The details of this bill should leave you outraged, considering that it:
>>> Allows a gun owner to be stripped of his guns and any permits that he possesses, before being convicted of a crime;
>>> Allows the complaint against you to be filed in secret and the hearing that determines what happens to your gun rights to happen in secret, too, via ex-parte hearings;
>>> Allows the complaint that is filed against you to be phoned in. Your God-given and Constitutionally protected right to defend yourself can be terminated with a phone call!
>>> Comes with a built-in renewal process; after the initial seizure order expires, the plaintiff can simply request an extension every 12 months, meaning that for most gun owners, this will amount to a lifetime ban!
I hope that you take action immediately!
And please don’t think that we are safe here in Iowa with moderate Republicans in charge of the House and Senate.
Afterall, Republicans are leading the charge for this legislation all over the country!
In Minnesota, Republican State Representative Peggy Scott has been working on drafting a ‘Red Flag’ bill for some time.
In Ohio, Republican Governor DeWine is trying to pass a ‘Red Flag’ bill.
In Arkansas, Republican Governor Hutchinson is doing the same thing.
In Pennsylvania, Republicans are the lead sponsors of the state’s ‘Red Flag’ legislation!
When Florida and Indiana passed this bill in their states, it was moderate Republicans who led the charge!
And with House Majority Leader Matt Windshitl’s previous statement in support of the ‘Red Flag’ concept, I need every gun owner in the state to get involved in this fight!
So please send your pre-written email in to your lawmaker at once!
And when you’re done, please make a generous donation to help Iowa Gun Owners destroy this legislation.
We’re already spending thousands of dollars attacking this bill with targeted social media campaigns, but we need to be ready to ramp this up and roll digital ads and even radio ads if it becomes necessary.
Whatever you do, fire off your pre-written email right away!
For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation has been filed in Des Moines, and this bill draft is one of the worst that we’ve ever seen.
This bill would allow you to lose your gun rights — likely for a lifetime — before you’ve been charged or convicted of anything!
Help us fight back against this bill; send your pre-written email to your lawmakers immediately!
When you’re done, please consider a generous donation to help Iowa Gun Owners crank up the heat against this bill in Des Moines!
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