Download PDF Version Here Chairman Holt, Representative Klein, and Representative Wessel-Kroeschell, on behalf of the members of Iowa Gun Owners I would like to express our support for House Study Bill 254, especially the sections dealing with Constitutional Carry law...
Download PDF Version Here The members of Iowa Gun Owners did their jobs last fall and rejected anti-gun candidates up and down the ballot. Besides defeating Joe Biden, gun owners threw Abby Finkenauer out of Congress and kept J.D. Scholten, Rita Hart, and Theresa...
Download PDF Version Here Overview: Rep. Bruce Hunter’s H.F. 24 (Red Flag Gun Seizure legislation) is full of unconstitutional constructs that are damaging to the Second Amendment as well as fundamental (and centuries old) judicial concepts like ‘innocent until proven...
Download PDF Version Here Overview: Rep. Bruce Hunter’s H.F. 128 (Universal Background Checks or UBCs) is a direct attack on the Second Amendment freedoms of millions of law-abiding Iowans and would make felons out of countless gun owners, while doing nothing to stop...