The events of the last 10 weeks have been a trying time for Iowans, to say the least.
The Coronavirus and the government’s massive overreaction to it has crushed the economy here in Iowa (and across the country) and closed down many local government services.
With many counties in Iowa ceasing the issuance of carry permits all together for a time, many Iowans saw the need for Constitutional Carry for the first time.
But the out-of-control violence that we have seen in Iowa and across the country over the last week has been unlike anything we’ve experienced in modern history.
Thousands of businesses looted across the country, including many here in Des Moines. Hundreds of buildings set on fire.
The violent beating of innocent people who were simply trying to protect their life’s work or their loved ones.
Cops outnumbered and forced to use tear gas, flash bangs and dogs to avoid having a violent mob sack the Iowa Capitol.
All of these events have been a stark reminder to everyone that during times like these, the government is not able to defend you. That responsibility falls to you alone!
But it has also highlighted the utter necessity of Constitutional Carry law — which would protect the right of law abiding Iowans to carry a firearm without first having to get permission from the government.
If there was ever a time for the legislature to take action on this bill, it’s NOW!
And on the eve of the legislature’s return to Des Moines, after a ten week Coronavirus hiatus, we have great news to report.
In a lengthy Facebook post that we shared on the IGO page yesterday, Representative Steve Holt, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, issued a public call to House and Senate leaders urging quick action on Constitutional Carry law during the remaining days of the 2020 session!
To read the post in its entirety, go here.
This is great news, having a leader in the legislature stand up and publicly back this legislation, but it’s only a start.
Now we need to do everything we can to remind the rest of the legislature that this is a TOP PRIORITY for gun owners, now more than ever!
Please help us by:
>>> Sending this pre-written email to your legislators, telling them that when session resumes tomorrow, you expect action on Constitutional Carry legislation!
>>> Forwarding this email campaign link to every gun owner that you know here in Iowa, urging them to send their email immediately!
>>> Becoming a member of Iowa Gun Owners, if you aren’t already.
As we’ve said before, the next two weeks may be our last chance in a long time to pass Constitutional Carry law if the House flips this fall.
If the chamber flips, it could be a decade before we are in this position again. But many moderates in Des Moines don’t want to take action on this bill.
So please, send your emails immediately, as the session resumes tomorrow!
For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. The last few days have reminded everyone that we are responsible for our own physical safety, and that Constitutional Carry law is a must-have!
And with House Judiciary Chairman Steve Holt publicly calling on legislative leaders to enact Constitutional Carry law when they resume session tomorrow, now is the time to make your voice heard!
Send your pre-written email in support of Constitutional Carry immediately!
And if you’re not a member of Iowa Gun Owners, become one today!