As every gun owner in Iowa knows, ‘Lyin Dan Dawson’ is one of the main opponents to Constitutional Carry legislation in the Iowa Senate.
As the Vice-Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dawson has been able to exert pressure on the committee members, who held SF 165 back last session even though this legislation has overwhelming grassroots support.
But that’s not all.
You see, when Dawson first ran for office, he promised (in writing) to support Constitutional Carry legislation, and gun rights became the biggest issue in the race between Dawson and former Senator Mike Gronstal. Iowa Gun Owners rolled out a massive radio and TV ad campaign, highlighting Gronstal’s years of attacks against Constitutional Carry.
Between those ads, our direct mail program, and a door-to-door field program in Council Bluffs and Carter Lake, Iowa Gun Owners had contact with over 60,000 contacts in the district.
Gronstal was removed as a result.
And the very next day, Dan Dawson went back on his word.
You like that?
I can tell you that in the last couple of days, over 75,000 Iowans have viewed this ad on our Facebook page alone!
I can also tell you that everyone in the Capitol is talking about this ad, as well.
And believe me, they are scared.
You see, politicians like ‘Lyin Dan Dawson’ believe that they can do what they want in Des Moines and that ‘what happens in the Capitol, stays in the Capitol.’
That’s why it’s so vital that Iowa Gun Owners continues to ‘pull back the curtain’ and show gun owners what’s really going on in Des Moines!
And that’s why I hope that you will agree to sponsor some additional air time for the ad you just heard.
We need to crank up the pressure, and remind lawmakers that they will be held accountable just like ‘Lyin Dan Dawson’ if they break their word to gun owners and oppose Constitutional Carry law!
For $500, a whopping 21,960 gun owners can see this digital ad and share it with their friends!
For $100, I can have this ad playing in front of almost 4,400 additional gun owners here in Iowa.
For $50, over 2,000 gun owners can see this and take action.
Even just $25 would be very helpful, and enable me to broadcast this spot to just over 1,000 of your fellow gun owners!
Whatever amount you can donate would be gratefully accepted, and put straight towards the fight for Constitutional Carry here in Iowa!
These lawmakers work for us! Help us remind them of that!
For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. ‘Lying Dan Dawson’ loved getting help from gun owners when he ran against Mike Gronstal over in Council Bluffs in 2016, but once he won, he immediately backtracked on hispledge to fight for Constitutional Carry!
That’s why Iowa Gun Owners recently unveiled this ad, highlighting Dawson’s betrayal.
Help us reach as many gun owners as possible with this ad, by making the most generous donation you can using the link above!
Iowans still believe that a man’s word is his bond. Dawson and his colleagues have forgotten that. Help us remind them!
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