On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Where our gun rights are concerned, there is certainly much to be thankful for here in Iowa after gun owners unseated our anti-gun State Senate and paved the way for a massive expansion of our gun rights this year.
We passed Stand-Your-Ground into law, but that wasn’t all.
We also removed the ban on allowing parents to teach their kids to shoot, enacted ‘emergency powers’ legislation, passed permit confidentiality, lifted the ban on carrying handguns in the capitol, allowed for SBR’s and SBS’s in accordance with federal law, cleaned up the permit renewals process, and more!

It was a momentous year, to be sure.
But this bill didn’t pass on its own. It was the result of years of grassroots activism on the part of tens of thousands of supporters of Iowa Gun Owners.
It was grassroots gun owners like you who bounced Mike Gronstal, Steve Sodders, Brian Schoenjahn and others out of the Iowa Senate!
It was grassroots gun owners like you who held the line when the House leadership team tried to gut the immunity language out of Stand-Your-Ground legislation.
And it was grassroots gun owners like you who kept the pressure up — all session long — and never let up until the Governor signed the omnibus bill into law!
And that’s what I’m most thankful for as a gun owner here in Iowa, the grassroots gun owners from all over the state who are willing to stand together and fight for their Second Amendment freedoms!
Legislators come and go. Legislative majorities come and go. Political headwinds come and go.
But as long as grassroots gun owners stand together, our Second Amendment rights will remain secured.
So please enjoy your time with family and friends today, and celebrate the advancement of our Second Amendment freedoms — and then redouble your commitment to fighting for Constitutional Carry next session!
We’ve made a lot of progress here in Iowa, because of you, but we have a big fight looming on the 2018 legislative horizon.
Get ready!
For Freedom,

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Iowa Gun Owners!
Thanks to the unceasing grassroots pressure from tens of thousands of gun owners like you, we have secured a pro-gun majority in Iowa and passed the largest gun bill in Iowa history!
Thank you for fighting alongside us for our gun rights.
Enjoy your time with family and friends today, and then get ready for a big fight over Constitutional Carry next session!