As I was leaving the Capitol a little bit ago, I received a personal call on my cell.
It was my father-in-law, calling me from New York State. My in-laws live in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York – hours and hours away from New York City where family farms still dot the countryside.
My father-in-law was calling to let me know that the New York General Assembly just passed breathtaking legislation through their general assembly.
This legislation bans the possession of any weapon with a pistol grip, collapsible/folding stock, detachable magazine, and more. It even bans magazines of more than 7 rounds.
It affects everything: handguns, many shotguns, all the way down to his Ruger .22 rifle, since it has a 10 round detachable magazine.
That’s why he was calling: to see if I wanted that rifle, as the only way he can keep it is with a vast array of government paperwork registration.
He even has to register his collectable M1 Carbine, used in WWII.
I felt like someone had sucker-punched me in the gut. I’ve been shooting in NY State on vacations for years.
Just last summer I spent an enjoyable afternoon teaching one of my sons how to shoot – in my father-in-law’s back yard.
IGO’s Aaron Dorr teaches his son how to shoot last summer in NY State.Unfortunately, the pellet gun you see on the right is about all the residents of NY will have left when the state government completes its total destruction of the 2nd Amendment in that state.
“But it’ll never happen here, this is Iowa” you may be thinking.
Let me tell you, my father-in-law never thought he’d see something like this happen in NY either.
Any this definitely can happen here in Iowa if you and I don’t take a stand right now!
As some of you know, Democratic Representative Dan Muhlbauer from Crawford County recently came out with his idea for gun control in Iowa.
Saying that, “We have to start making radical changes…it’s time to start taking them…,” Muhlbauer proposed that the state of Iowa:
* Put a permanent ban on all semi-auto guns. (This would include basic weapons like basic hunting shotguns and pistols that you and I carry for self-defense and more.)
* Be set up in a retroactive fashion. (This means that not only would you be banned from buying these guns in the future, the State would be enabled to come and seize the weapons that you already own.)
Many of his colleagues in the General Assembly are adding to this a dangerous notion – sweeping mental health changes that may drastically alter the definitions of what mentally unfit means, which may affect many gun owners in Iowa.
Even worse, after talking to a variety of legislators in the Capitol over the last few days it seems like many of the normal pro-gun legislators are running scared of the Des Moines Register and the anti-gun lobby in light of these national events.
In my almost 5 years as the Executive Director of Iowa Gun Owners I’ve never seen an environment this dangerous.
We need your help to ensure that what is already happening in other states NEVER happens in Iowa.
Please sign our petition opposing ALL new gun control here in Iowa.
You see, when legislators start seeing piles and piles of petitions delivered to them, from voters in their districts, they suddenly “see the light.”
The gun grabbers are hoping to use President Obama, the national media, and our very own Des Moines Register to build their momentum so they can brow-beat the rest of their colleagues to give in.
Your signed petition helps us STOP THEM COLD!
Please sign the petition opposing ALL new gun control TODAY.
And I’d be lying if I said that we have all the resources we think we’ll need.
Dropping targeted mail and emails in key legislative districts is going to have to happen fast!
We are trying to prepare for that now.
So if you can, once you’ve signed your petition, please consider an emergency contribution to help us put our programs into place.
P.S. The first state ban on modern rifles, high cap mags, and much more just occurred in New York state. Others are going to soon follow suit.
In Iowa, anti-gunners are hoping to use President Obama, the national media, and our very own Des Moines Register to build the momentum they need to ram their agenda down our throats.
Your signed petition will help us STOP THEM COLD. Please sign the petition below.
And I’d be lying if I said that we have all the resources we think we’ll need.
Dropping targeted mail and emails in key legislative districts is going to have to happen fast!
We are trying to prepare for that now.
So if you can, once you’ve signed your petition, please consider an emergency contribution to help us put our programs into place.
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Iowa gun Owners
P.S. The first state ban on modern rifles, high cap mags, and much more just occurred in New York state. Others are going to soon follow suit.
In Iowa, anti-gunners are hoping to use President Obama, the national media, and our very own Des Moines Register to build the momentum they need to ram their agenda down our throats.
Your signed petition will help us STOP THEM COLD. Please sign the petition below.
As we prepare for this fight please consider an emergency contribution to help us fund mass mailings, emails, and on the ground house-to-house literature drops to make sure that gun owners know when to take action.