Must Read: Details on H.R. 3422!

Must Read: Details on H.R. 3422!

Court-packing. It might sound about as exciting as watching the House Budget Committee meet on C-SPAN on a Friday night, but I assure you, court packing is something you need to be paying attention to. As we told you recently, with the Supreme Court systematically...
4 More Liberal Judges on the Supreme Court!

4 More Liberal Judges on the Supreme Court!

For most of my life, the Supreme Court was a coin toss. Sometimes they would rule in favor of freedom and push back against big government; many times they would not. Most controversial decisions came down to the same 5-4 vote. But after President Trump put three...
What We Actually Celebrate on Independence Day!

What We Actually Celebrate on Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day from the board of directors of Iowa Gun Owners! On this day, 247 years ago, our nation adopted the Declaration of Independence, telling the world that America was no longer a puppet of England, but a sovereign nation!   During the run-up to the...
Must Watch: IGO’s 4th of July Video!

Must Watch: IGO’s 4th of July Video!

I wanted you to see it from me first!  As a member and supporter of this organization, you know that we fight to defend and protect the 2nd Amendment because of the principles we believe in. Just like you. The video we have put together below celebrating America’s...
Personal: From Aaron Dorr

Personal: From Aaron Dorr

Once my wife and I get our kids to bed on Sunday evenings, I usually sit down and work on my ‘to-do’ list for the week ahead. With our ongoing fight to stop Biden’s AR-15 ban, our federal lawsuits against Biden, and working on refining legislation for next session, I...