This is breaking news from Washington, D.C.! In direct response to the staggering amount of pressure that gun owners have been applying to Congress, Nancy Pelosi was forced to pull the ‘Assault Weapons’ ban from the calendar today! More than that, insiders are...
This is breaking news — please read and take action! The House Rules Committee just announced that they are taking up Pelosi’s ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ THIS WEDNESDAY at 1pm! Worse, a vote in the full House is expected to take place Wednesday or Thursday! If...
As we told you days ago, Joe Biden’s so called ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ has passed through the House Judiciary Committee. And now we’re hearing this bill may be voted on in the House THIS WEEK! This bill would make felons of countless Iowans who own a 30-round magazine,...
In a huge White House lawn press conference yesterday afternoon, Joe Biden raged about Americans who own AR-15s and vowed to ban every single one of them while he has the votes in Congress! While bragging about the massive ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ funding bill he just...
Late last night, Chuck Schumer rolled out the massive gun control bill that we’ve warned you about for the last three weeks — and 14 backstabbing RINO traitors helped him do it! One of them was our own Joni Ernst, who stood side by side with Dianne Feinstein and...
If you read our email this morning, you know that Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer have brokered a massive gun control deal and Joe Biden is already crowing about it. It’s NASTY and we need to defeat it before the Senate has a chance to ram it all through! This is a...