Biden targets SCOTUS w/takedown

National politics are in total chaos mode, but in all of the noise something happened yesterday that I wanted you to know about.

Joe Biden (or, his administration) is launching a MAJOR attack on our U.S. Supreme Court before the November elections.

The main target of their court reforms is simple: they want to purge staunch conservative justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, from the bench.

To be clear, everything is on the table when it comes to the Democrat’s “court reform” package.

Their proposed changes all sound innocent enough, things like term limits or “ethics reform,” but what they are really trying to do is get the chassis they need to target Conservatives to be passed by Congress so that their actions can happen under “the color of law.”

Author and talk show host Steve Deace likes to say that “we are not a nation of laws and we never have been. We are a nation of political will and we always will be.”

That makes a lot of sense when you think about the state of America’s judiciary.

The Left wants to install their activist judges in every courtroom in America so that they can implement their own will over us. It is not about the rule of law to them.

This is exactly what George Soros has been doing on the other side of the coin by installing Marxist prosecutors in counties across America.

And unless gun owners stand up and tell our congressmen and U.S. Senators “HELL NO!” to their tyranny, this “court reform” package might just pass Congress and give the Left power to take HUGE swings at our gun rights.

We’ve been sounding the alarm about the Left’s plan to pack the Supreme Court for years, and now the Left is working hard to make this nightmare a reality before the General Election!

The fact is, everyone knows that the Court’s decisions swing back and forth depending on the worldview of the justices sitting on the bench.

And you and I both know how important it is for the justices to interpret the constitution how it is written.

To the Communist Left, it is not about what the Constitution says or what the founders intended when they wrote it.

It’s about what the Communists WANT the Constitution to say.

They only care about power and control.

They want a Supreme Court that will force their agenda down our throats, and the Constitution be damned.

That way they can back up those ‘decisions’ with the force of law.

This is not about equality, fairness, or justice under the law.

This is about an unhuman agenda that hell-bent on taking away our guns so they can forcibly implement the full-throated Marxist platform of tyranny down our throats without We the People being able to fight back.

As it stands today, a conservative Supreme Court is the last line of peaceful defense for freedom against the tyranny of mob rule.

They aren’t shy about it, either.

All you have to do is read any dissenting opinion from the Leftist activist justices on the court from cases like Bruen to know that if they get the majority, our gun rights are on the “legal,” banana-republic chopping block.

That’s why I’m urging you to sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators IMMEDIATELY demanding that they oppose and vote NO on any attempt to change or pack our Supreme Court!


I’m afraid that if you and I don’t take action to stop this now, Biden and the Left may put the final nail in the coffin of Liberty before the election.

So please hit the button above and sign your petition today!

I’m also hoping that you’ll chip in $50, $25, or even $10 right now so we can get more gun owners mobilized across the State to take action with us.

I know that things are tough right now, but with fights like these, it’s about who shows up and who gets loud.

And we’ve got to get louder than the Left if we want to win.

We know what we are up against, and we know the stakes.

The time to fight back is right now.

Take action and chip in what you can today!

For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners