Late last week, the notorious anti-gun Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein and ELEVEN traitorous Republicans introduced S. 3623, the so-called “Violence Against Women Act,” loaded down with two dangerous anti-gun provisions. Here are the eleven Republicans...
When IGO broke the news that two of Biden’s unconstitutional Executive Orders attacking gun owners are going to take effect later this year, legislators in Des Moines started getting worried. After all, if the legislature kills the Second Amendment Preservation Act...
This is exactly what we were afraid of, and what we warned gun owners about in our recent email on Biden’s pick to replace retiring Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer! While not naming his nominee yet, Joe Biden has announced that he will be selecting a black woman...
IGO’s lead bill sponsor in the House — Representative Jeff Shipley — has just filed the Second Amendment Preservation Act (HF 2303) with eighteen members of the House joining as co-sponsors! That’s almost one-third of the entire GOP caucus! Thank you to...
In just a few weeks, Joe Biden’s handlers will announce their replacement for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who recently announced his decision to step down from the court. Of course, this has been in the works for months, as Congressional Democrats are...