Gun Rights 2021: Where Should We Focus?

Gun Rights 2021: Where Should We Focus?

The first session of the 89th General Assembly has just kicked off in Des Moines, and our team has been working for several weeks to lock down our legislative programs for the year, along with the budget to fund them. Like every other gun owner in America, I had hoped...
It’s Only Purpose is Gun Confiscation!

It’s Only Purpose is Gun Confiscation!

Michael Bloomberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars attacking President Trump and pro-gun candidates up and down the ballot last year for one primary reason. He, along with the rest of the socialist left, is determined to pass ‘Universal Background Checks’ in...
Congresswoman Lee Wants to Force You to Lock Up Your Guns!

Congresswoman Lee Wants to Force You to Lock Up Your Guns!

Snarling, America-hating socialists in Washington, D.C. are hoping to use their Congressional majority to destroy our Second Amendment freedoms once and for all. And if gun owners don’t stand and fight, they just might get their way after Joe Biden gets sworn into...
Biden Wants to Track, Trace, and Register You!

Biden Wants to Track, Trace, and Register You!

Joe Biden is going to be sworn in as President in ten days, but the fight to pass a national registry of gun owners is already well underway. There’s no end to the gun control schemes that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Michael Bloomberg want to ram into law over...