Constitutional Carry Sub-Committee Monday – Take Action!

Constitutional Carry Sub-Committee Monday – Take Action!

Constitutional Carry legislation — HSB 254 — is moving very quickly in Des Moines after House leaders unveiled their version of this legislation two days ago. In fact, Constitutional Carry will receive a sub-committee hearing in the House Public Safety...
MAJOR Update on Constitutional Carry!

MAJOR Update on Constitutional Carry!

Your hard work is paying off big time in Des Moines! As we have been telling you over the last week to ten days, there has been a lot of noise in the Capitol over Constitutional Carry legislation as state after state has passed this bill just in the last two weeks!...
You Won’t Believe the Penalties Attached to H.R. 127!

You Won’t Believe the Penalties Attached to H.R. 127!

The radical gun control crowd in Congress and the State House hates gun owners like you and me with a passion, and they would love nothing more than to force you and me into prison cells and throw away the key! Sound a little farfetched? Don’t think it’s really that...
IGO Members: You Can Ignore This Email

IGO Members: You Can Ignore This Email

Our gun rights are facing more threats than at any time since President Obama made his big push for the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill in April of 2013. Iowa Gun Owners has put out over 35 legislative alerts since the day that Congress certified the results of the...
New Radio Campaign for Constitutional Carry!

New Radio Campaign for Constitutional Carry!

The radical left is lining up to receive everything they want from Joe Biden and the crazy socialists who are running Congress these days, as Biden intends to reward his base. While the policy outcomes of this process will no doubt be revolting, it’s not unusual. The...