Des Moines and hundreds of other cities across the country have been rocked with violence, looting, and arson over the last few weeks by Antifa/BLM activists.
Traditionally, when a group of thugs use violence to accomplish their political agenda, they are labeled as political terrorists and arrested.
Not anymore.
Just days ago, the Des Moines chapter of Antifa and BLM issued another list of legislative demands that they want the legislature pass during the final days of the 2020 session.
Implicit in their demands is the very real threat that if they don’t get their way, Des Moines (and other Iowa towns) may soon see violent riots and looting resume with a vengeance.
Remember, these are the same thugs and criminals that were only kept from lighting the Iowa Capitol building on fire two weeks ago by heavy doses of tear gas and flashbang grenades used by the State Patrol.
But if you think that the politicians in Des Moines are going to stand up to these criminals, to send a message that we don’t create policy here in Iowa with a political gun to our head, you’d be mistaken.
(Judiciary Chairman Brad Zaun has refused to advance Constitutional Carry despite the fact that a hundred thousand emails have been sent to the Capitol in support of it by peaceful, law-abiding, Iowans.)
Already the Iowa Senate Judiciary Chairman, Brad Zaun, is vowing to be an advocate for some or all of the agenda items that these rioters are pushing in the Capitol.
This, of course, is the same Brad Zaun who has refused to advance Constitutional Carry legislation for the last two years — even though over a hundred thousand emails have been sent to the Capitol backing this legislation.
The message that the politicians in Des Moines are sending is crystal clear:
We will happily tell law abiding gun owners to pound sand when they peacefully ask for Constitutional Carry law, but when violent thugs start looting and rioting in the street, we’ll pay attention and give them what they want.
How pathetic.
But the real threat to gun owners is still coming.
You see, across the country, these violent protesters are demanding a total repeal of Stand-Your-Ground legislation claiming that it’s a racist law.
Of course, someone should tell that to Jay Lewis, the man who suffered such terrible injustice from the Polk County Attorney’s office after being forced to shoot a violent criminal in West Des Moines in late 2011.
Lewis’ story became a statewide rallying cry for gun owners who were sick and tired of the watching state after state pass Stand-Your-Ground law, while Iowa was left out.
(Jay Lewis and IGO’s Aaron Dorr in the Iowa Capitol in April of 2012, fighting together for Stand-Your-Ground law which then-Senator Mike Gronstal was blocking in the Senate.)
Lewis knew the truth: that Stand-Your-Ground protects everyone but oftentimes protects minorities even more.
But now our beautiful Stand-Your-Ground law is likely going to come under attack from the hard left, using the implied threats from Antifa and BLM as leverage.
And with the abject weakness that we are seeing from ‘pro-gun lawmakers’ in Des Moines right now, it’s impossible to know just how far they might be willing to go to try to please these thugs.
Session is close to winding down, so even though we are hearing that an attack against Stand-Your-Ground law may be in the works, hopefully there isn’t enough time for it to get off the ground.
But we are monitoring this closely and will provide action links if they become necessary.
In the meantime, if you are not already a member of Iowa Gun Owners, we need you now, more than ever!
No one fights harder for the Second Amendment, and no one else is willing to let you know when you’re being sold out by our ‘own side.’
If you’re not a member, join today.
If you want to take advantage of our brand new Sentinel Membership program that comes with a pile of new gear and an automated monthly contribution, go here.
And if you’re already a member but can afford to make a special donation, please do so here.
These are bizarre times that we are living in, to be sure. Thank you, in advance, for standing up for our right to keep and bear arms!
For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. The same violent thugs who were rioting in Des Moines and across the country over the last two weeks are now issuing political demands to legislators in the Capitol.
Insiders are telling us that one of the demands we may see here very soon is for a total repeal of our Stand-Your-Ground law!
We are watching out for this very closely and will give you the action links you need to get involved if they become needed.
In the meantime, please stand with Iowa Gun Owners so that we have the resources we need to fight for you.
For an annual membership, go here.
For a Sentinel Level Membership (and all the gear,) go here.
And if you’re already a member of Iowa Gun Owners, please consider a generous donation here.
Not a member, join here.
Already a member, donate here.