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Urge the Judiciary Committee to Advance HSB-213!

Iowa’s Stand-Your-Ground law (passed in 2017) gives immunity to gun owners who use appropriate force in a self-defense situation. But with no way to claim these protections in statute, the State Supreme Court says we can only use them on appeal!

That means after you’ve been convicted of a bogus ‘crime.’

House Study Bill 213, sponsored by gun rights champion Steve Holt, would fix that by establishing a pre-trial immunity hearing! This hearing would allow your lawyers to explain what happened to the court, and if you win that hearing, you wouldn’t face any charges!

And as a side benefit, you can use this to defend yourself in civil court, too!

HSB-213 has passed the sub-committee but needs to be approved by the full House Judiciary Committee before it can get a vote on the House floor!

Take action! Send your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to the members of the House Judiciary Committee urging them to support HSB-213, as well as any amendments offered by Chairman Holt to make the bill even better!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Iowa Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you in Des Moines and in D.C.! You can get involved at!