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Accomplishments Overview
FORCED PASSAGE of ‘Shall Issue’ legislation; leading to almost 300,000 additional Iowans being issued carry permits.
PASSED Stand-Your-Ground law; allowing Iowans to defend themselves against violent criminals without having to retreat or face prosecution from ‘woke’ county attorneys.
FORCED PASSAGE of Permit Confidentiality; making it illegal for anyone to access a list of permit holders in Iowa without a court order.
PASSED Constitutional Carry Legislation; allowing Iowans to carry a firearm without needing a government permit.
REVERSED Capitol Carry Ban; allowing Iowans to be able to carry firearms in ‘the People’s House’ once again.
Firearms Freedom
FORCED PASSAGE of Suppressor legislation; which made Iowa the 42nd state to allow citizens to possess these items.
FORCED PASSAGE of SBR Legislation; allowing Iowans to possess short barreled rifles in accordance with federal law.
REVERSED Age Restrictions on Handgun Shooting; allowing parents to decide at what age they can teach their children to shoot.
DEFEEATED EVERY ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban filed; which would make Iowans felons for buying an AR-15 (or hundreds of similar firearms) or the magazines that feed them.
Government Overreach
FORCE PASSAGE of Pre-Emption Reform; denying municipalities and counties the right to restrict gun rights at the local level.
DEFEATED EVERY Red Flag Gun Seizure bill filed; which would allow liberal judges to order the confiscation of firearms before an Iowan has been convicted of anything.
DEFEATED EVERY Universal Background Check bill filed; which would make Iowans felons for buying or selling firearms without getting government permission first.
FORCE PASSAGE of Emergency Powers legislation; limiting the governor’s ability to limit gun rights during a disaster declaration.
LEADING THE FIGHT for the Second Amendment Preservation Act; which would make Iowa cops enforce Iowa gun laws and ignore federal gun control laws and executive orders.
Elected Official Accountability
EXPOSED Gun-Grabbers in the House; using direct mail, email, and a door-to-door lit dropping program. This educational program led to the Iowa House flipping in 2010!
EXPOSED Gun-grabbers in the Senate; using direct mail, email, radio/TV ads, digital and internet ads, and a door-to-door lit dropping program. This educational program led to the Iowa Senate flipping in 2016!