Do you ever get the idea that your lawmakers only want to hear from you every two years, when they are looking for your votes around the time of their re-election?
If you’ve ever thought that way, it’s because it’s true.
Sure, they may shake your hand at a county function or give you 30 seconds at a forum one Saturday every couple of months, but that’s mostly a chance for them to talk about themselves.
The last thing they want to do is hear from you.
Here at Iowa Gun Owners, our primary mission is to inform you about what’s going on in the Capitol so that you can advocate for your right to keep and bear arms yourself!
But no one has time to look up their lawmaker’s phone number or email address or Twitter handle, much less the time to sit down and type out an email to your lawmakers telling them to oppose gun control.
That’s why I am so happy to announce that we are unveiling a brand new activism tool — just in time for the 2020 legislative session — that will give gun owners more access to your lawmakers than ever before!
The brand new Iowa Gun Owners Grassroots Action Center will allow you to contact your lawmakers with the click of a button on your phone or computer.
Specifically, you will now be able to:
>>> Record a video message to your lawmakers; using your computer, you can leave a 30-second video message with our elected officials, reminding them of who they work for and telling them how they should vote on gun bills!
>>> Automatically call your lawmakers; without knowing their number you can connect with them with the click of a button and we’ll even give you a script, so you’ll know exactly what to say!
>>> Automatically connect with your lawmakers via Twitter; you won’t have to worry about finding your lawmaker’s Twitter handle or how to condense your message as we do all of that for you, you simply hit send on your phone and your voice will be heard!
>>> Automatically send your lawmakers our pre-written emails; a long time staple of the Iowa Gun Owners arsenal, our new system will allow you to mix up the pre-written emails you send, so your legislators can’t simply ignore them as they see the same subject line!
As you can tell, everything about this system is designed for your convenience. We’ve done all of the work for you to make it as easy as possible for you to put pressure on your lawmakers!
Not sure who your lawmaker is? That’s fine, as our system will tell you that based on your address.
Don’t know where to go to look up your lawmaker’s email address and you don’t have time to write out an email? We do that for you.
Want to connect with him/her on social media? It just takes one click on your phone!
Simply put: this is the single best grassroots advocacy system in the country, and we’ve secured it for 2020 so that our members can pour pressure on weak-kneed lawmakers who refuse to fight for us in Des Moines!
You can check it out for yourself here.
Lawmakers in Des Moines have spat in the face of Iowa’s gun owners for three years in a row by refusing to pass Constitutional Carry law, even though sixteen other states already have this law on the books.
They have one session left before ‘we the people’ have a chance to make our voice heard at the ballot box.
But until that time, the new Iowa Gun Owners Grassroots Action Center will allow you to make your voice heard all session long in whatever format you prefer!
Session started earlier this week, so feel free to use the Action Center right away.
And if you haven’t renewed your membership in Iowa Gun Owners for 2020, please do so now!
For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. With the 2020 session starting just days ago, moderate lawmakers in Des Moines are hoping that they can kill Constitutional Carry for the fourth year in a row!
That’s why we’ve just rolled out our state of the art Grassroots Action Center that will allow you to automatically communicate with your lawmakers by phone, email, Twitter, and even video messages!
It’s never been easier to tell your lawmakers what you expect of them! Take action right away!
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