Most of us have taken the time to seek out training in the safe and effective use of our firearms, so that should the need arise, we know how to defend our family.
We owe our family nothing less.
In the same way, we owe it to our children and grandchildren to be able to defend their future gun rights by being trained in how to defend them in Des Moines!
And that’s why I hope you’ll attend the 1-day Political Leadership School that Iowa Gun Owners will be hosting — in conjunction with the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership –- NEXT SATURDAY!
I really hope you can make it.
This class isn’t like most that you have attended in the past where people bemoan the state of affairs and worry about ‘who will stop them.’
Rather, this class will be focused on teaching battle-tested tactics that you can employ at the local or state level in the fight for our Second Amendment freedoms.
It’s a look behind the curtain at the tactics that Iowa Gun Owners uses every day — which is how we passed the biggest gun bill in Iowa history this year, and how we’re going to be fighting to advance Constitutional Carry in 2018!
But don’t think that these tactics can only be applied in Des Moines or with a statewide organization, as activists routinely use what they learn in their training at the local level too!
This class will cover topics like:
>>> How politics actually works, and why educating politicians about your cause won’t result in change in Des Moines;
>>> The greatest lie in politics, and how it can be used against you by legislators if you’re not careful;
>>> Real-world leadership strategies for grassroots activists to ensure that you don’t ‘get spun’ when you set foot in the Capitol;
>>> Effective lobby tactics for grassroots organizations that really work;
>>> Practical tools on how you can run an election program of your own as early as 2018, to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun votes; and
>>> How to start a political organization of your own and how to raise the funds you need to be effective!
We made a lot of progress in the gun rights fight in Iowa in 2017.
But Constitutional Carry was shot down in the legislature, falling prey to weak-kneed leaders in the Iowa House who were more afraid of the anti-gun minorities than they were of gun owners.
As we prepare for 2018, it’s essential that we have more trained activists!
Our gun rights depend on it and future generations are counting on it.
So please, if you’ve not already signed up for this information-packed political leadership school, do so right away.
I know that this time of year is busy and that some of you simply won’t be able to make it.

P.S. Next Saturday, Iowa Gun Owners, in conjunction with the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership, will be conducting a 1-day Political Leadership School in West Des Moines!I hope you can make it!You wouldn’t trust your family’s safety to a gun without ammo, and our gun rights aren’t safe in Des Moines without trained activists holding legislators accountable.So please register to attend the class right away — you’ll be glad you did!