2024 Iowa Gun Owners State Legislative Candidate Survey

Answers to All Questions Are Required.

Question 1

Missouri passed the nation’s leading Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) in 2021. This law asserts state sovereignty under the 10th Amendment and tells the federal government that while Missouri can’t stop them from passing gun control, Missouri wouldn’t allow their cops and other resources to be used to help them enforce it. And since the bulk of federal laws are enforced by state and local officers, this law means that the bulk of Biden’s gun control agenda will go unenforced in Missouri. And with strong civil penalties built into it, Missouri’s SAPA law gives individual gun owners the ability to hold departments that intentionally violate the law accountable.

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on Second Amendment Preservation Act legislation for Iowa, which states that Iowa cops may not be used by the federal government to enforce federal gun control laws or Executive Orders, and which contain civil penalties allowing gun owners to hold departments who break the law accountable?
Question 1 Answer(Required)

Question 2

The Left loves ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ because these laws allow virtually anyone to tell a judge that a person is a ‘danger to themselves or others’ (while providing little to no evidence), allowing liberal judges to order the confiscation of a person’s firearms before they’ve been arrested, indicted, or convicted of a crime. In many cases, this is done through ex parte hearings that the gun owner knows nothing about until after the seizure order is issued! That’s why a growing number of Republican controlled states are banning ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ all together!

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation that would ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures,’ ensuring that an Iowan can’t have his firearms confiscated until he’s been convicted of a felony crime in court where his due process rights can be protected?
Question 2 Answer(Required)

Question 3

Most mass shootings happen in so-called ‘Gun-Free Zones’ where law-abiding citizens are forced to disarm. Thousands of Americans have been shot or murdered by violent criminals in these zones over the last fifteen years, because law-abiding citizens were unable to defend themselves or their loved ones, because of a deadly law that forced them to disarm.

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation that eliminates government-mandated ‘Gun Free Zones,’ that leave law-abiding citizens helpless against violent killers looking to rack up a body count?
Question 3 Answer(Required)

Question 4

While dozens of states give the presumption of innocence to gun owners in the wake of a threatened or actual use of force (requiring the state to prove their guilt in court), Iowa’s law inverts that and requires gun owners to prove their innocence in court. Further, many states allow gun owners to assert this ‘presumption of innocence’ in a pre-trial immunity hearing. These hearings give gun owners the chance to be spared the agony of a criminal trial. And in an era where liberal prosecutors are targeting gun owners to advance a political agenda as we saw with Kyle Rittenhouse and Mark McCloskey, it’s more important than ever that we have a pre-trial hearing process to dismiss these bogus charges.

f elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation that would enhance Iowa’s self-defense laws by providing the presumption of innocence to gun owners who are forced to defend themselves, as well as a pre-trial hearing process to spare them from going through politically motivated prosecutions?
Question 4 Answer(Required)

Question 5

Over the last four years, an estimated 7,500,000 million people have illegally entered America. The Dept. of Homeland Security said that at least 70,000 of these were ‘special interest’ aliens, coming from countries that ‘promote or protect terrorism’ against the United States. Now, some are trying to use the Bruen decision to justify letting these foreign nationals possess firearms.

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation that would clarify that foreign nationals who have entered America illegally are not allowed to possess a firearm, knowing they’ll be able to legally buy a firearm once they’ve completed the process for entry?
Question 5 Answer(Required)

Question 6

In the wake of recent high-profile murder sprees around the country, anti-gun politicians, the media and Bloomberg-funded activists have been demanding a complete ban on the AR-15 (and standard 30-round magazines) and hundreds of related firearms all because of a variety of cosmetic features. Legislation has been introduced previously in Des Moines to ban these firearms across the state, even though these firearms are widely popular and are owned by tens of thousands of Iowans.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation that bans the manufacture, sale or possession of semi-automatic firearms and their standard capacity magazines -- knowing that these restrictions don’t stop crime, but are used to harass gun owners?
Question 6 Answer(Required)

Question 7

Anti-gun organizations, often funded with out-of-state resources from Michael Bloomberg, have been pushing legislation in Des Moines for years that would criminalize the private sale of firearms in Iowa, unless gun owners submit to a federal NCIC check. Doing this adds the gun owner and their firearm to a federal list. And as we’ve seen, this legislation does virtually nothing to stop crime but expands state and national databases of gun owners – which can be used against gun owners later.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on ‘Universal Gun Registrations’ (or similar legislation) that would ban all private party gun sales and make criminals out of Iowans who lawfully transfer firearms without first obtaining government permission?
Question 7 Answer(Required)

Question 8

Various state legislatures have already passed legislation that would make it a felony for Americans between the age of 18-20 to own firearms. And there are politicians here in Iowa who want to do the same thing. To be clear, these are law-abiding citizens who can exercise their right to vote, serve in the military, pay taxes, get married, have careers, and enjoy every other aspect of being a legal adult.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation that would make it a crime for Iowans between the ages of 18-20 to buy and own firearms, leaving them defenseless, and unable to defend themselves or their loved ones?
Question 8 Answer(Required)

Question 9

Various state legislatures have passed legislation that would criminalize gun owners who do not keep their firearms under lock and key, giving criminals the advantage. To be clear, these deadly “Safe Storage” laws do nothing to deter violent criminals and instead get innocent citizens raped or murdered.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation that would force Iowans to keep their guns in a government-approved storage device, leaving them unable to defend themselves or their loved ones in an emergency?
Question 9 Answer(Required)

Question 10

Gun control activists have long desired mandatory waiting periods before law-abiding citizens can purchase firearms, ammunition, or accessories. Many states have filed legislation that would make criminals out of their residents who buy a firearm without waiting five days first. This even though many women have been murdered by violent predators because they were unarmed and couldn’t defend themselves because they hadn’t waited enough days to buy a gun!

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation that would make criminals out of Iowans who buy firearms without waiting an arbitrary number of days first, knowing that these laws are unconstitutional and only endanger innocent people?
Question 10 Answer(Required)
Name (As it will appear on the ballot)(Required)
Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
Party Affiliation(Required)

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Please Note:

  • Unanswered questions will be considered as hostile to the Second Amendment.
  • Unsigned surveys will not be accepted by Iowa Gun Owners.
  • If you have any questions about this survey, please email us at [email protected].
  • The deadline for your survey is 5pm on Wednesday, April 26, 2024.

@ 2025 Iowa Gun Owners.
3775 EP True Parkway, #269, West Des Moines, IA 50265.