☠️ Here’s Who Voted for Gun Control in Congress!

☠️ Here’s Who Voted for Gun Control in Congress!

Last week we asked you to call Senators Grassley and Ernst (and your Representative) urging them to oppose the 1.2 trillion-dollar spending deal filled with gun control. If you remember, this was the deal that was released at 2:30am last Thursday morning and voted on...
Calls Needed: Gun Control in Omnibus Spending Bill!

Calls Needed: Gun Control in Omnibus Spending Bill!

Fellow Patriot — At 2:00 am last night, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and his cohorts in the Swamp posted a 216,000 word, $1.2 trillion SwampOmnibus spending bill. And in typical D.C. fashion, it’s set to be voted on in Congress as early as 11:00 am TOMORROW...
😡 Biden Demands $2 BILLION for ATF!

😡 Biden Demands $2 BILLION for ATF!

Dear Gun Owner — Joe Biden has just requested $2 billion in funding for the ATF! We say “HELL NO!” Because of their non-stop attacks on our 2A rights, the ONLY acceptable outcome for the ATF is for it to be ABOLISHED! That’s why we’re working closely...