As you read this email, the United Nations is holding a secret meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, plotting to disarm the American people through their UN Small Arms Treaty! While the official list of delegates won’t be released until after this week-long session is over,...
Yesterday, Joe Biden’s Executive Order requiring serial numbers on upper receivers, redefining what a firearm is, and redefining what a gunsmith is, was published on the Federal Registry. This was the ‘Final Order’ and it takes effect on August 24. As you may...
When Iowa Gun Owners was founded, back in 2008, Iowa had some of the worst gun laws in the Midwest. We had an abusive ‘May Issue’ permit system. We didn’t have Stand-Your-Ground law. It was a crime to teach your 11-yr old son to shoot a pistol on your farm. And...
Session has ground to a halt here in Des Moines. The House and Senate are in a temporary deadlock over the budget with many individual members of the House and Senate at home and on call, for final votes on the budget. Meantime, at his press conference last week,...
Joe Biden’s political impotence at passing gun control in the Senate means that the only way he can repay his debt to Michael Bloomberg for installing him in the White House is via Executive Orders — orders that will be enforced by the ATF. And that’s why Biden...