The fake news media and NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s front-group here in Des Moines are actually calling the last session of the Iowa General Assembly a partial victory! When I saw a recent Washington Post report detailing the gun-grabbers so-called...
As a supporter of Iowa Gun Owners, I wanted you to be one of the first to know that we recently received a shipment of 100,000 of our window decals! What’s more, we are giving them away to as many Iowans as we can — absolutely free! All you have to do to receive...
As the liberal media here in Iowa continues to try to demonize the gun bill that was passed here in Iowa this year, I can hardly wait to see them explode as we push for Constitutional Carry next session! Of course, they are going to scream bloody murder, but all of...
You have just two days. In two days, the ‘early bird’ pricing for our upcoming Political Leadership School being held in Waterloo ends. If you haven’t signed up yet, but have been meaning too, do it right now! But let me warn you: this school isn’t for people who want...
As we prepare for the 2018 legislative session, I know that the folks at Iowa Gun Owners are already hard at work preparing for an all-out push on Constitutional Carry legislation. Having been in the Senate for seven years now, I can tell you that I’ve never seen a...